Thursday, May 27, 2010

Is Love Traditional?

I just came back from seeing Sex and The City 2, and without giving away any of the movie secrets all I will say is that it was very entertaining. But there was an underlying theme in the movie that I paid close attention too, that being whether marriage should be traditional. I however, expanded upon that theme and asking whether love is traditional?

Personally, I believe that Love in its most basic and purest form is untraditional. Tradition is all about repeating the same things, the same rituals, the same customs. However, emulating another couples love will never lead to that feeling of blissful satisfaction. Why? Because love is not emulation, it is spontaneity, it is quarkiness, it is making it your own.

Sometimes people place so high a value on wanting their relationship and their love to match another's love, rather than realizing that their relationship is unique, important, and full of love. All in all, embrace the differences that your relationship has compared to another, because it is those differences that you continue to fall in love with as time progresses.

“It's so easy, To think about Love, To Talk about Love, To wish for Love, But it's not always easy, To recognize Love, Even when we hold it.... In our hands."

Thoughtless Brutality

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